mandag 12. desember 2011

Dagens luke hos Kortgleder.

er en vin eske jeg har laget. Har brukt div Nellie Snellen produkter, arkene er Bo Bunny og blomstene fra WOC. Har også brukt masser med glitterlim og glimmermist.Challenges im entering:
Papersundaes challengeblog - anything christmas

Gingerloft challenge - christmas or winther

Pink elephant - snowflakes and sparkles

Stamp with fun - gift wrapping

Paper pretties monday challenge - use ribbon

Make it monday - anything goes


Hooked on craft challenge blog - Winther wonderland

The crafty bloggers network - christmas gift

The squirrel and the fox - christmas

12 kommentarer:

Shanna Shands sa...

I LOVE IT. Thanks for playing with paper sundaes!

Rene sa...

GORGEOUS! I love your colors! Thank you so much for joining us at Make it Monday! Don't forget to leave a comment for another entry and mention you saw them on MIM! The more comments left, the greater your chance of winning!
Good luck!
Rene ;D

Chris sa...

Beautiful! I love the glimmermist you added. The project turned out so well! Thank you for sharing your talents with us at Hooked on Craft Challenges!


Im just me - Marleen sa...

A beautiful project, thaks for joing in the CBN challenge xxx

Nina sa...

Åhh, den er knall lekker!! Digger det arket altså ♥

Ha en fin dag :)
klem fra Nina.

Gitte sa...

Wow super flot.

Nannieflash sa...

Oh Liv thats gorgeous I love those papers youve used and someone is going to love that bottle.
Dont forget next weeks Challenge for TPS hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Eva Gro sa...

Den var utrolig flott!!!

thinker sa...

very nice! Thanks for joining us at GingerLoft Challenge

Frances sa...

Beautiful project! Lovely details, Really pretty. Thanks for joining us at The Pink Elephant. Hugs, Frances.

Nasir sa...

This is a great design.
Transparent business cards
Print vip cards

Helen sa...

Beautiful - love the colours you've used and it's a great design.

Thanks for joining us at The Squirrel and the Fox.

Helen x